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Day 14: On the Road
February 21, 2006
The morning once again confirmed the "13" rule: woke up in Puebla and saw that our hotel was right next to a GNP office :) Although they do not normally do car insurance for tourists, it took us only slightly over an hour to find an agent who helped us to renew our policy and the price was the same as that of the AAA... Nevertheless, our most sincere piece of advice is to estimate the number of days you would stay in Mexico and get the insurance for your vehicle before entering the country. Keep in mind that Mexico takes more time than it might seem from the glance at the map.
We decided to speed up a bit and spent the rest of the day driving from Puebla
to Villahermosa. We took Mex 150D to Mex 180D, both toll roads. Nothing exciting
about the road except that it was good, fast and of course expensive, just
like the rest of the toll roads in Mexico. 440 miles/700km at 80mph and we
are in Villahermosa by dusk. Good to know we should finally be in Yucatan
tomorrow by noon!
14-oji diena: Tiesiog brangiai vaziuojam
2006 m. vasario 21
Sekantis rytas tik patvirtina velnio tuzino taisykle: atsikeliam Puebloje, pamatom, kad nakvojom ejimo atstumu nuo GNP (musu Nissano draudimo kompanijos) ofiso, kur per valanda be jokiu problemu prasitesiam masinos draudima :)
Visa likusia diena siaubingai islaidaujam ir "prabangiai" vaziuojam I Villahermosa (tarti "Vijaermosa") mokamu greitkeliu. Nors nepigiai, be nuotykiu ir be ispudingu vaizdu, bet uz tat 120km/h (reta arba nepigi prabanga Meksikoje); ir pagaliau pasislenkam per gera sprindi zemelapy ir apie 700 km ant zemes. Nakvojam jau Tabasco valstijoj, salia Villahermosos. Rytoj - pagaliau!! - Jukatanas ir Majos (ne bites, o indenai :))!